New fiscal CO2 measures for company cars since 1 January 2010

New rates have been introduced from 1 January 2010 in the corporation tax system for the variable fiscal deduction in respect of passenger cars, in line with their CO2 emissions.

Table valid since 1 January 2010 for corporation tax



Accelerated capital allowances and increased investment deduction for charging stations

Businesses that wish to install a charging station for electric vehicles or plug-in hybrids receive increased investment deductions. On the basis of current rates, this means that an investment deduction of 15.5% can be claimed in addition to the normal capital allowances of 100%. Investments in charging stations made during the period 2010 – 2012 benefit from an accelerated writing-down period of 2 years. The period may be extended following evaluation.

Fuel card 75% deductible for personal and corporation tax

The deductibility of fuel cards will be restricted to 75% from 1 January 2010. This measure applies to both personal and corporation tax. Some interest charges and costs for installed mobile phones (telephone and hands-free kit) remain 100% deductible in both tax systems.

LeasePlan Tips

  • The new legislation regarding the social contribution is the ideal occasion for you to analyze the situation of your fleet. Contact your account manager for an evaluation.
  • A non-polluting car can help you save money. Due to our GreenPlan Program, you can adapt your car policy for it to be both environmentally friendly and cost efficient